were logged in tonight for our people almost Altdorf. Along the way I run the first time thorough ... (What am I doing in Etaine Ah, the other East!) And so we stood there. When we finally had enough healers, it went right into it and within seconds by a bomb squad are of the order has been cut. So we are back out. Since I am particularly as Witch Elf powerless. I can not stop a fire mage, but not dozens ... which was felt half fire mages and the other half healer.
Then we came to an instance where the clock was already well gone down and the enemies were waiting directly behind the barrier. So get out. New items, and then two times the same instance as before.
Then we have worn out the first section, leave us in the second defeat, and are then get out.
Finally we came to the very last minute in a usable instance. Sorry, we dominated the organization so strong that the have the same squashed again - and we are not a Bomb Quad, we have attacked the simple straight line and slashed their healer first.
It was a bit boring, so I've casually watched the first half of Brazil against North Korea. But that was not too exciting. In the end, there's still a few rewards that I normally can not use a long time.
We have "The airship" made, and my part in the race much in the follow up and down and was grooving to inanimate objects.
However, I have noticed in the action in the team speak as I can tausschen my brands with less valuable. So I could replace the arms of the Conqueror against Medallions of the officer, which I was finally able to make my Annihilator set completely - in the picture above is Anayra to see the witches veil. Which, incidentally, looks really good, much better than the one I had before.
the end I was almost bankrupt, so that I did nothing else left but to start scenarios. We are there to well-organized order encountered and bad the first two fights many of the standings after so that I only got an emblem respectively. However, I felt with the Annihilator set many powers than before. I have a lot lämger state levels and from time to time also made an enemy in serious trouble. Only a death blow in three scenarios, and yet - even if it is a sorceress the death blow, I have provided in many of the work. Of course I have not done nearly as much damage as the rangers. And yet - I felt much more powerful than before.
The last scenario, we have lost points because none of us care even about the flag has to get - but most of the time we stood in front of their base. Usually annoys me something. But I have to fight off so well that I simply did not care - I have no desire to always be the one who runs after the total victory, and after the day I do not really care whether I win or lose. What I want is just good fights.
Also interesting was a melee with an Ironbreaker. Level 40, Renown I do not know, of course. I was alone the little small and I had almost got the impression that I did without dismember buffs and support, easily could have. Of course it was annoying to have to have the neck, but if no one helps me I have no other choice than to ask me. Unfortunately, my team was wiped out and so I was ultimately killed himself. However, by a mechanic, not the armor dwarf. It may be that the output was not glorious, but the running has given confidence. If they can not slow me, I'm agile and nimble mitlerweile than most.
the suggestion to try Seegardisten blue again, I was able to follow, unfortunately not because my cash had fallen well below a gold coin. Now, after the scenarios you go again.
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