first it seemed to be an extremely mild evening. In Allianz did not change much ran scenarios with very limited success and the scores splashed in front of him. Then when the calls were received by the alliance chat, just the witch Janeyra was underway. Flight back to camp, Anayra is then drawn into the battle.
The majority of order-warriors was utterly ridiculous. A few times they have us wiped out completely, but again we have managed to slit and perky enemies and stragglers. However, we were pushed to our KT. to prevent the inevitable advance into the city we wanted to get back in the next area of battle field goal more quickly, but because it was too late on the the border we came around a war party against already. Since we were at that time only about ten fighter for destruction and evil in general was not enough. An occupation of the territory by the arrogant weaklings could even order my speedy daggers prevent any more.
alone, this was not the order. Although they might have occupied the field, but had lost many of their gunmen to our superior dark warriors. They are besieged on a bridge to cross which we denied them close to our war camp. In crowds they fell over the edge and waved wildly, and the fire burned the stones of the again, "pretty" elven bridge. It should not succeed. For three hours the battle raged. Once she managed to go around us and pushed us back to the edge of our camp, but overall they lost by imposing too many to ultimately be able to.
Finally, as the night advanced step they tried it with another list .. They left us a battlefield target for then can crush there. Their plan was, however, not because we resorted to the same time for another goal. Then, when the police saw that we did their influence in the fingers zerran, they fled the field, and nothing could be the countless bodies of their Fallen back.
Möglichurde all durhc especially the very successful scenario players on our side and now in a very good hinterland rating ... who has won more in T3 at the elves, has significantly contributed to the order does not come in the inevitable staft. Without it we could not have done. Remarkably, however, as our banter standings most of the time a whole corner was better than that ...

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