Saturday, March 5, 2011

Straight Frontbang Weave

[review] Asher, Jay - Thirteen Reasons why

Author: Jay Asher
German version: dead girls do not lie, cbt
Row: -
Genre: Love / Romance, Drama, Crime
Price: 7,90 € (Paperback)
Pages: 288
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 978-0-141-32829-4

When Clay Jenson plays the casette tapes he received in a mysterious package, he's surprised to hear the voice of dead classmate Hannah Baker. He's one of 13 people who receive Hannah's story, which details the circumstances that led to her suicide. Clay spends the rest of the day and long into the night listening to Hannah's voice and going to the locations she wants him to visit. The text alternates, sometimes quickly, between Hannah's voice (italicized) and Clay's thoughts as he listens to her words, which illuminate betrayals and secrets that demonstrate the consequences of even small actions. Hannah, herself, is not free from guilt, her own inaction having played a part in to accidental auto death and a rape. The message about how we treat one another, although sometimes heavy, makes for compelling reading.

In the debut novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher kill himself, the young Hannah Baker, leaving behind thirteen cassettes on because it explains why she killed herself. Each cassette is for two people - except the thirteenth, which is owned by a person alone.
The girl wants her death to those they blame for consenting to leave a message and so will also get anyone who has a cassette deck for itself, the box. Must listen to why she killed herself.

Clay Sun also gets the box. He can not at first believe this is really the voice of Hannah or someone wants to take him there for a ride? He thinks that, if he has the tapes through, someone comes and says that this is all a joke. But apparently it's all true. Hannah even says on the tapes that if they are not posted on the box, all the tapes be made public. What were some dirty details come to light that not a few people could barter for some problems. Falsehood. Margins. The non-help of a teacher ....
Clay listens to each tape. He stays away from home all night because he thinks that his mother may not hear the tapes, and steals so even the portable tape deck of his best friend. He can not imagine why he got the box. He has not done anything Hannah, on the contrary. He had a crush on her, and yes, he also noticed that something was not okay with it. But he has never done more than talk with her, not even that, he was rather shy to really anszusprechen. What Hannah wanted to tell him for? Why he was on the list? He will find it and learned a few other shocking details ...

Thirteen Reasons why is told in the view of Clay Jensen and plays in the past. The writing style is simple and you can put yourself in the characters well, especially well he liked me but not necessarily. What I noticed however positive that the book (not to mention the issue) was wegzulesen easy.
Clay listened as 99% of the time Hannah's tapes and these sites are in italics. Hannah me to describe kind of thing too happy with this direct and sarcastic way came to me over totally realistic. She speaks to people, they for their respective "speech" is dedicated to most directly, which for me was also very authentic. It describes things but usually with much distance. I do not currently know what to think of it, on the one hand, I was - as I said - her sarcastic way of doing things that people her have done to describe, but in some places I simply have a feeling you want. Perhaps it would have been enough easy if Clay had described from time to time as her voice sounds. That would say yes a lot, but as far as I can remember, he does throughout the book provides only one or two times
But I knew me - no matter if Clay just turn came to tell or Hannah - always imagine all about it. I could me the tapes, the scenes, in places, also most people really well.

One of the things that I particularly liked was, for example, that if Hannah described a certain thing (say what exactly is behind a rumor plugged or something), was heard by the Clay directly, for what it was like or what were the rumors. Respectively. What was Rumer counts.
What I like best descriptions were before Hannah has announced the next person. Respectively. the "set" of those has announced. Well, hard to explain, but I quote just a bit:

Do not worry, Zach. You never mean anything left in my bag. I know that. But what you did do, was worse.
Unfortunately, I think the reasons why people are on the list, sometimes a little funny. I found the idea of Clay and why he is on the list actually quite sweet, but for me it maybe a pretext so as to have someone to tell about it. Because Clay has indeed as he himself has actually said anything bad done to her.
be the end of the stories they told, albeit a little confusing. Toward the end, she tells of a girl who is raped and then she breaks ohmächtig front of the house. Hannah says she taught herself to also because it has not helped her. She was still in the room where she lay, but did nothing. Anyway, they went to the house where the party took place, would vomit. Then came the raped girl (at least I think so), offered her to drive them home, where they get to a stop sign.
The girl, I think Jenny said she wants to go further and prohibits Hanah to call the police. You also do not want that Jenny is still traveling, what leads to the Hannah from her and then left to stand will also inform themselves no longer the police that the stop sign was knocked down. Later, a student died from their schools because of that.
I mean yes, that's bad, but is that really a reason to kill himself or to put a girl on the list? So I came, unfortunately, often before their reasons, maybe it was just because Jay Asher ran out of ideas and he wanted to mention for some reason absolutely thirteen cassettes. I do not know, I found it really sad fact that the reasons why people were on the list of places were so unrealistic. The idea of the thirteen cassettes is that is actually very interesting. A girl who was told about it really covers everything possible, to ultimately the truth for the people who have done her these things. A really interesting way to put themselves in a depressed person, saying what a pity that not all were reasons for her death really understand ...

In addition to the tapes it in the book is not really much about which one could tell. The small, almost-love story between Clay and Hannah I was even sad, I was also not able to really packed. Probably because of the lack of feeling in Hannah's descriptions.

course Hannah was in the book the person who was "removed" the most. I could put myself personally very good at it because I (unfortunately) have to do too often with people who like to hurt other people and have often felt enough like them, which of course does not vote for any needs of the book is read. I can only say that I could put myself really good at it, the feeling provided by their views aside.
I would perhaps have liked a bit more facets to the characters that appear on the tapes. I imagine though they can correctly deep me they were unfortunately not available. I would have wanted me here, perhaps, that you can stay the reactions of the tapes of more people. So how do they react when they can make out what they have done their deeds, and so on.

My conclusion:
Thirteen Reasons Why deals with the issue of suicide and specifically for what reasons someone may have it. I was shocked this book very much because I wanted to give this message in this book, could empathize well as the situation that people who have done nothing to be hated, I myself have often happened.
However, I can give the book, unfortunately not a perfect score and also four butterflies. The book was in the beginning and the end was still realistic, unfortunately, as more and more, so I give the book well-meaning three butterflies. I would recommend it not be read so that each book, but if you look to the example of the topic interested or something like that you can read it quietly.

Additional Information:
Jay Asher confirmed recently on his blog that there will be a movie Thirteen Reasons why . It might also appear to be an actress for the heroine Hannah Baker - namely by the Youth series Wizards of Waverlyplace known actress Selena Gomez. Other actors were, as far as I know, not yet announced.
I stand against the filming of the movie rather critical. The book has made me say "fun" to read the tapes with Hannah, but how can you get across because in a movie? I think they work a lot with flashbacks (to be), but this one will even see it myself if necessary. I'm not really happy with the cast of Hannah. I imagine them sooooo different approach, but for me it is always "normal" that I would want to film adaptations (with the books I've read) am satisfied / can ever be (I wonder if I should look at the film at all, because it is very likely that I'm disappointed anyway - for me to start grumbling that is already on when the action of the book to change film).

way, there are also a great gimmick on the side - On the page you can listen to the tapes (English) by Hannah but unfortunately in an abbreviated version (I think ), at least the videos are only 1-4 minutes. There are, however, not all tapes on the side represented, for more you have to go Youtube account. There is also present a fourteenth on the tape - as far as I can tell - Clay says.

The Cover:
like the book at my output (ie the Mass Market Paperback) by far the best. The German cover reminds me too much of any bloody thriller, which Thirteen Reasons why is not at all yes. Maybe just because I have this very red to associate with blood.
I'm not sure but I think that the English cover is right, the hardcover version. I like a little more than German, but somehow I do not think it really appropriate. Like me, but better than the CBT covers.
like a paperback at me the way, the total text on the spine good, no idea why (of course it is still "beautiful" with the characters: D):

You can not stop the future.
You can not rewind the past.
The only way to learn the secret ... is to press play.

(Translation: You can stop the future / You can not rewind the past, / The only way to find out the secret .... is 'play' to press)

The author:
Jay Asher was born in 1975 in Arcadia (California) and discovered an early interest in writing and music (he plays guitar). He still lives in California with his wife. He studied at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Opispo, after which he decided to be against the job primary school teacher and devoted himself to writing.
the idea for Thirteen Reasons why he received for an audio tour of a museum, because, as he said, fascinated by the voice in his ear was that he explained what he saw. His book was in the U.S. a great success.


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