Monday, March 7, 2011

Meagan Good Custom Hair

The next multi-media shows - dates

... but has not served - Young people in resistance against the military and war
A multi-media show by and with Timo Vogt

The photographer Timo Vogt visited conscientious objectors in Germany, Armenia, Israel and the Turkey. With stunning photographs and interviews, he designed a multi-media show with tales of brave thinkers who went to prison for their resistance. Jan-Patrick Ehlert went to the barracks, stood up before the guard and said he would obey no orders. The Israeli Or Ben David was given the absurdities in the military prison that endure only with laughter. Mehmet Tarhan resisted the Turkish army and was given the power of the military felt brutal. Karen Smbatyan received after 22 months in prison, the Armenian service record: "... but has not served," is written. The narrated slide show combines video and sound to a "film" The statements of a special kind of conscientious objectors of images accompanied visually give insight into the world of the objectors. Four stories of a dedicated woman and three men, who resisted the military and war making.


Mo., 04.11.2011, 19.30 clock in Nottingham : Amtmannei old, male street. Organized by the Peace Initiative Nottingham.

Tue, 04.12.2011, 19.30 clock in Witten: locust center, Bonhoefferstr. 10. Organized by: DFG-VK-Hagen Witten including

Thursday, 14.4.2011.19.30 Clock in Dortmund: Cultural Centre "Langer August", Braunschweiger Str 22nd Organized by: DFG-VK Nordrhein-Westfalen including

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cervix Still High 4 Days Before Af

[Reused] Nineteen minutes and Thirteen Reasons why

I told you so before, that I want to introduce a new category of cover cloning and now they've decided (for now) to name Reused . Whether the name is or I do not know just yet, so I really like him very well. Maybe I find something better but still.

The Coverklon I'll show you now, I have not found myself. An anonymous comment on my review to Thirteen Reasons why has made me aware of this re-use (thanks!). Click the cover to Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher and Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult ...

As has probably continued to use the same one photo of a girl, right? I only notice that the girl on the book by Jay Asher is a lot paler than on the cover of Nineteen Minutes, which you can edit everything graphically but yes. The blouse / jacket have (white Blue / - Brown / Red), a different color.