Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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dried fruit

is quick and healthy it with this version.

dried fruits such as apricots, apple rings immersed halfway in: first
liquid chocolate
second Coconut

And voila, healthy snack in between or as a gift.

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chocolate marzipan and coconut rolls

makes about 60 pieces

2 eggs
400g flour
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
200g icing sugar
300gr butter (or 150gr Virgin coconut oil)
1 pinch salt
320gr green marzipan
6 tablespoons Kokosstreusel
2 tablespoons sugar

Separate the eggs, egg yolks, flour dough, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, butter, or VCO, and salt into a smooth dough. Place in plastic wrap 20 min cool. Dough in half.
between 2 sheets baking paper Roll out to about 3mm thick, two identical rectangles. Marzipan roll out between parchment paper also about the same.
A Brush dough top with egg white and on it lay the marzipan disk. This also brush with egg white.

second sheet of dough on it lay. Betstreichen again with egg white and sprinkle each with 2 / 3 coconut and sugar. Plate in half and roll each separately from the wider side. 20 minutes in the fridge.

Preheat oven to 200Grad. Baking sheet with parchment paper. Brush again with egg white and roll in remaining coconut sugar business. Cut into 1cm thick slices. On the baking paper un din the middle of the furnace bake 10-12 minutes.

recipe from Migros Magazine

Monday, November 3, 2008

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coconut oat coconut date balls

  • 2 large bananas
  • geschr. 250 g oats or oatmeal soft
  • 150 g raisins 100 g grated coconut

banana stir until smooth. Add oats and raisins until the mixture has a consistency to form balls. form 2-3 cm balls and roll in coconut. Ca. 2 hours, are the balls are a little tighter.

Preparation time: about 130 minutes

A. Stroot, Mainz

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pastries without baking

for 10 confections.
Preparation: 30 min + rest time: 2 hours

  • 1 cup dates, pitted
  • half cut tablespoons coconut oil 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 1 teaspoon grated organic lemon peel 1 teaspoon lemon juice

a dates into pieces. Coconut oil can be soft. Dates with fat, coconut flakes, lemon zest and juice and pour through a wolf. form

2 Small snack sausages from the crowd and roll them in coconut flakes. Refrigerate 2 hours.

recipe from:

Mercedes Kainz, Span, Austria

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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therapeutic alternative for head lice

report "Information for Physicians" from 08.14.2003

coconut oil: therapeutic alternative for head lice

head lice are with us still today a common and recurrent problem - in
especially kindergartens and schools. The treatment methods are due to become non-toxic vegetable oils such as coconut oil much more gentle. Coconut oil is an effective and safe alternative to neurotoxic drugs such as Pyrethrumextrakt or lindane.

A randomized Study of 160 patients with head lice infestation confirmed the clinical experience in terms of efficacy, tolerability and safety of coconut oil compared with pyrethrum extract.
The result is hardly surprising: the compatibility of coconut oil for hair and scalp is very gut.Nebenwirkungen were rarely observed. Coconut oil therefore offers an equally effective yet highly effective and well tolerated alternative in the Kopflaustherapie.

Whenever itch
The first signs of head lice infestation is usually an unusually severe itching.
The louse (Pediculus humanus capitas preferred) for oviposition temples, ears and neck region, but also the eyebrows or beard hair. It is suspected that the animals have approximately 3 mm spread on the head, the hair should be carefully investigated.
head lice - what to do? Man
parting the hair with a comb, stroke by stroke apart. More so than the lice themselves, however, we find the nits. Are you stuck in the naked eye as small dots visible and predominant near the hair roots to the hair. As a preparation for lice control in Germany including preparations on the basis of
- pyrethrum and synthetic pyrethroids
- Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) and
- coconut oil sold as herbal alternative.

Pyrethrum is the insecticidal ingredient of some Chrysanthemum species. The neurotoxic Pyrethrins are contact poisons pure. Run within a few minutes to an initially reversible paralysis, for with sufficient exposure time, but death. Very important: The use of pyrethrum or pyrethroids is not indicated in infants during pregnancy and lactation and in known ingredient-related allergies. And the treatment of young children should always be done under medical supervision.

lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) affects adult lice as a contact and respiratory poison. For the treatment of pediculosis used is purified to 99% g-HCH judged on the toxicological findings by experts as a substance with moderate acute toxicity to humans. During pregnancy and lactation Lindane is also contraindicated.

The alternative
coconut oil: The oil is rubbed into wet hair and wraps the lice, his breathing holes complete. Thus, the respiration of the disabled and lice suffocate the animals. In addition, the sticky substance with which the nits are attached to the hair is dissolved. After a 60-minute exposure
, the lice and eggs are washed and combed with a nit comb.

Clinical study shows good efficacy
In a prospective, randomized study of 160 patients aged 22.8 + / - 17.7 years (4-71 years) with head lice infestation, the efficacy, tolerability and safety of coconut oil was in compared with pyrethrum extract to the test.

On day 1, there were - after combing - prior to treatment the lice and nits. This was followed by further documentation of symptoms (itching, burning) by interviewing the patients and the assessment of lesions of the skin (excoriation, crusts, etc.) by the doctor.
On days 2, 8 and 15, the hair was put under renewed scrutiny. As a successful cure for lice free at day 2 and on day 15 was defined. The average number of lice and nits and nymphs immediately after
the treatment and the course is comparable in both groups. In terms of killing the lice and remove the nits, there were no significant differences. The eradication rate achieved in both groups 100%.

Very good compatibility of coconut oil documented
doctors and patients had only "very good" or "good" as an assessment. In no case was rated "moderate" or "bad" award. The study result shows that if the coconut oil in the eradication of nymphs and adult lice to 100% as effective as pyrethrum extract. And at much better compatibility!
This is coconut oil especially recommended for the treatment of sensitive patient groups: for example, children, pregnant women or nursing mothers. Source: Medice www.journalmed.de

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Since Virgin coconut oil kills bacteria and microbes, the immune system is relieved. Since less virus in the body are
, the white blood cells more attention to cleaning and disposal of toxic substances and cancer cells
giving. New research shows even anticarcinogenic properties of coconut oil.

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In the eighties scientists discovered in laboratory experiments, the HIV virus-killing effect of the MCFA and Lauric Acid
Caprilic Acid. (See www.lauric.org)
Many AIDS patients benefit today from the world lebensverlängemde effect of Virgin Coconut Oil.

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heart disease osteoporosis

heart disease
One of the most exciting discoveries is the potential of coconut oil to prevent heart disease!
A large number of new studies confirm the connection of bacterial and viral infections with atherosclerosis.
The MCFA (medium-chain fatty acids) of virgin coconut oil kill all three main types of arteriosclerosis
-causing bacteria and viruses.
Another main cause of atherosclerosis may be free radicals, for example, oxidized fats,
related to the present, unfortunately, in the diet often are.
coconut oil is chemically very stable and not easily oxidized, it even helps as an antioxidant to oxidize
other fats can not.

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The MCFA (medium-chain fatty acids) in coconut oil help the body absorb other nutrients.
The absorption of calcium and magnesium and amino acids is improved if one Virgin coconut oil for
daily diet.

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After a few days does coconut oil. The saturated fatty acids stimulate the metabolism, in contrast to
unsaturated fatty acids. For these unsaturated slow the metabolism so that it calls the excess weight. The
with hypothyroidism often received low body temperature is often increased after the first dose. Some have, however, on the evening Coconut oil consumption without, because it stimulates too much so you can sleep poorly.

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Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue
A number of viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(chronic fatigue) contribute. The most common causes are herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and Giardia candidates. Virgin coconut
Oil kills the herpes and Epstein-Barr virus, which are suspected as cause of CFS skin.

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There is an oil that diabetics can eat without fear
The cold-pressed coconut oil. Not only that it does not promote diabetes, but it even helps the body regulate blood sugar to the
by relieving the activity of the pancreas, insulin production and receptors. On
www.diabetesmellitus-information.com has been found following text:
31/07/2006 A new report reveals that coconut oil for diabetic patients is beneficial. Coconut oil helps
stabilize blood glucose levels and aids in the shedding excess body weight. It is probably the only oil that
should eat a diabetic.

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I can lose weight with oil?

Researchers at McGill confirm University in Canada, that oils from long-chain
triglycerides (soybean oil, peanut oil, Canda, etc.) replaced with a MCT Oil (such as coconut oil), in 18 kilos lose without dieting or calorie counting. Of course, only if eaten immediately and will not suddenly Oodles eats. The body uses the coconut oil immediately after the receipts and stores it as fat as other body fat. In addition, once your metabolism stimulated. If
increases the metabolism to work efficiently the cells. Therefore, there are thin people who eat more than obesity, because the metabolism works much better. g

Monday, June 30, 2008

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coconut cream

coconut cream a light cream for normal to dry skin
from the book "beauty through herbs and essences"

3 coconut oil
3 g beeswax
40g jojoba oil
40g flower water or herbal tea of your choice depending on the choice
additional 2-3 Tr. The essential oil

jojoba oil (in chemical terms it is a wax), together with the flower water, beeswax and coconut oil an emulsifying effect.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Tomato Cheddar Soup Recipe

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